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臺灣大學暑期課程:系統生物學之機轉模型化 Mechanistic Modeling for Systems Biology

本課程為英語授課。本課程邀請美國加州大學爾灣分校 Arthur Lander 教授,也 是本校生物技術研究中心特聘講座教授,前來本校開設系統生物學短期課程, 課程非常適合對於系統生物學有興趣者以及進行細胞生物學研究的研究人員。

Systems Biology is a quantitative approach to biology and biomedical science that leverages ideas and tools from mathematics, physics, engineering and computer science. This short course will focus on building the skills required for creating and exploring mathematical and computational models in Systems Biology. The emphasis of the course will be on models of biological and physiological mechanisms, from the simple to the complex. Students will be given background information on the problems that systems biologists model, the kinds of models that are used, and what can be learned from using them. The course will consist of lectures, laboratory practicals, and tutorials. During the laboratory practicals, students will use the Mathematica software package to create and run their own models. Prior programming experience is not required. Although the course is aimed at students intending to do research in Systems Biology, graduate students in other programs and faculty are also welcome.



活動日期: 2018/07/26(四)~2018/08/03(五)
活動時間: 另外註明或通知
活動地點: 台灣大學校總區生命科學館3C教室/ R419教室
承辦單位: 國立臺灣大學生物技術研究中心
聯絡電話: 0233665222
E-mail: raychen@ntu.edu.tw
報名資格: 需至課程官方網站線上報名
活動性質: 工作坊
活動地區: 北部,
活動官方網站: http://nbsc.cbt.ntu.edu.tw/2018/course_content.php?id=107S008