BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//GeneOnline Conference - ECPv4.4.3//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:GeneOnline Conference X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for GeneOnline Conference BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Taipei:20181023T190000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Taipei:20181023T210000 DTSTAMP:20240412T204558 CREATED:20181018T031240Z LAST-MODIFIED:20181018T031240Z SUMMARY:Clinical Immersion System: Japanese Experience DESCRIPTION:【BE meetup 】\n\nCurious to learn how Stanford Biodesign Thinking made its way to Japan?\nHow about how Tohoku University established such a strong researcher-physician program? Or how one should address the unmet needs of clinical medicine?\n\nBE Accelerator’s Lecture Series is honored to invite Professor Atsuhiro Nakagawa from the National Tohoku University School of Medicine\, to talk about his experiences at Stanford Biodesign and how unmet needs are addressed in clinical situations.\n\nAs an alumni of the 2015 of the Stanford Biodesign Program and current Global Faculty member\, Dr. Nakagawa not only started the Japan Biodesign movement\, but also returned to Tohoku University to establish the widely successful Clinical Immersion System. Due in no small part to Dr. Nakagawa’s efforts\, Tohoku University has seen a massive surge in talent\, attracting the support of more than 40 companies and 1\,000 industry research experts in the past 4 years alone.\n\nWe welcome all participants to join in our discussion\n(This free event will be conducted in English)\n\n你想知道日本國立東北大學如何建立一個強健的產學研生醫生態系嗎?\n你想更深入了解如何挖掘出醫療臨床領域的 unmet need嗎?\n你想了解中川敦寬教授如何將Stanford Biodesign的課程引進日本嗎?\n\n本次比翼同聚很榮幸邀請到來自日本國立東北大學醫學院的中川敦寬教授!\n\n中川敦寬教授是2015年Stanford Biodesign課程的Global Faculty,在回到日本後教授不只共同推動了Japan Biodesign,也回到日本東北大學建立了醫療沉浸體系(Clinical Immersion System),過去4年,東北大學吸引了超過40家企業聚集,匯集了超過1000位的產業研究專家。此外,中川敦寬教授也將分享他在Stanford Biodesign學到的知識,也就是如何在臨床情境中發掘那些未被滿足的需求。\n\n歡迎與比翼同聚,獲得啟發!\n(這場免費活動將以英文進行)\n\n【Time】\n10/23 Tue. 19:00 Reception\n\n【Venue】\nTaiwan Tech Arena\n4F\, 2\, Sec. 4\, Nanjing E. Rd.\, Songshan District\, Taipei City\n台北市松山區南京東路四段2號4樓(臺北小巨蛋四樓)\n\n【Speaker】\n\nAtsuhiro Nakagawa M.D. Ph.D.\n\nDr. Nakagawa is currently an assistant professor at his alma mater: the Tohoku University School of Medicine.\n\nGraduating from Tohoku University School of Medicine in 1998\, Dr. Nakagawa practiced as a physician specializing in Emergency Medicine and Neurosurgery at Tohoku University Hospital whilst pursuing a Ph.D. A few years after its completion\, Dr. Nakagawa made his way to UCSF as a fellow in clinical neurological trauma in 2008.\n\nUpon his return to Japan in 2013\, Dr. Nakagawa became the Deputy Director of the Biodesign Program of the Clinical Research Center at Tohoku School of Medicine. With the success of the ImPACT program\, hosted by the Cabinet of Japan in 2014\, the Japanese government formally launched Japan Biodesign in 2015\, with Dr. Nakagawa as the main driving force behind the scenes. Not only has Dr. Nakagawa become a member of Stanford’s Global Faculty for his contributions to Biodesign\, but he has also started a movement in Japan to combine design and clinical thinking to develop innovative medical solutions.\n\n中川敦寬 M.D. Ph.D.\n\n中川敦寬博士目前是日本國立東北大學醫學院的助理教授。\n\n於1998年畢業於日本國立東北大學醫學系,同時也是東北大學醫院的腦神經外科與急診科醫師,後於2004年在東北大學取得博士學位,2008年時前去UCSF擔任兩年的神經創傷臨床研究員。\n\n中川敦寬博士在2013年擔任北東北大醫學院臨床研究中心生物設計(Biodesign)部門副部長,於2014擔任日本內閣府創新研發推廣計畫(ImPACT Program) 主持人,並於2015成為美國史丹福大學 Stanford Biodesign課程的 Global Faculty。日本政府於2015年啟動Japan Biodesign,中川敦寬博士也是幕後的共同推手,協助日本引進Stanford Biodesign課程,目的是發展與訓練將為醫療器材帶來創新的人才,透過設計思考將臨床上的痛點轉換成市場上的賣點。\n\n【Agenda】\n19:00~19:30 Reception\n19:30~19:40 Opening\n19:40~20:30 Sharing: Atsuhiro Nakagawa M.D. Ph.D.\n20:30~21:00 Mixer & Networking\n\n【Organizer】\nBE Accelerator\n\n【Co-organizers】\nTaiwan Tech Arena\, BioHub\, MEDx\, Venturecraft\, TRPMA\, BioIPSeeds\, DCB\, Taiwan Startup Insitiute\, Healthcare Drinks\n\n【Registration】\n URL: CATEGORIES:BIO ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR