BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//GeneOnline Conference - ECPv4.4.3//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:GeneOnline Conference X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for GeneOnline Conference BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Taipei:20180319T080000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Taipei:20180320T193000 DTSTAMP:20240412T170619 CREATED:20180131T100750Z LAST-MODIFIED:20180201T070020Z SUMMARY:BIO Asia International Conference DESCRIPTION:\nAbout the BIO Asia International Conference\n\n\n\nThe 15th Annual BIO Asia International Conference is an exclusive\, customized partnering forum that brings together U.S. and European drug development companies with Asian biotech and pharmaceutical companies interested in research collaborations and licensing agreements.\nThe conference features private\, pre-arranged one-on-one meetings between senior-level executives\, using BIO’s proprietary\, state-of-the-art computer software. The format and selective nature of the conference makes this the premier dedicated biotech partnering event in Asia and an unrivaled opportunity to meet with the leading international pharmaceutical and biotech companies in one place at one time.\n\n\n \nDate : March 19th - March 20th\, 2018\nLocation : Grand Hyatt Tokyo\nWebsite :\n\n\n\n \nSCHEDULE OF EVENTS\nTuesday\, March 14\, 2017\n\n\n\n8:00 - 8:55\nNetworking Breakfast\n\n\n8:00 - 8:55\nBIO One-on-One Partnering™ Meetings\n\n\n9:00  - 9:20\nWelcome Remarks \n\n\n9:20 - 9:55\nOpening Plenary: Seishi Baba\, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Health\, Labour and Welfare\n\n\n10:00 - 11:55\nBIO One-on-One Partnering™ Meetings\n\n\n10:00 - 11:55\nCompany Presentations\n\n\n10:15 - 11:00\nKeynote Session:\nDavid Meeker\, MD\,  Executive Vice President\, Sanofi and Head\, Genzyme Sanofi\n\n\n11:00 - 11:45\nAddressing Shifts in Japanese Reimbursement Policy \n\n\n12:00  - 13:25\nLuncheon Plenary - Fireside Chat:\n\n \tPhilippe Fauchet\, OBE\, President & Representative Director\, GlaxoSmithKline K.K.  \n \tSubesh Williams\, Senior Vice President\, Global Business Development\, GlaxoSmithKline plc\n\n\n\n\n13:30 - 17:55\nBIO One-on-One Partnering™ Meetings​\n\n\n13: 45 - 17:00\nCompany Presentations\n\n\n14:00 - 14:55\nFighting Neurodegeneration: New Models for Alzheimer’s Disease and Beyond\n\n\n15:00 - 15:55\nMarket Outlook— The Rise of Cross-Asia Partnerships\n\n\n16:00 - 16:55\nUpdate: Cancelled Session Expanding the Venture Capital Community in Asia\n\n\n18:00 - 19:30\nWelcome Reception \nRoppongi Hills Club\n\n\n\nWednesday\, March 15\, 2017\n\n\n\n8:00 - 8:55\nNetworking Breakfast\n\n\n8:00 - 11:55\nBIO One-on-One Partnering™ Meetings\n\n\n8:00 - 11:55\nCompany Presentations\n\n\n9:00 - 9:45\nEconomic and Patient Impact of the Biomedical Research Community in Japan\n\n\n9:45 - 10:30\nSeeing Connections: Common Industry Growth Priorities for the Pacific Rim\n\n\n10:45 - 11:40\nFinding Cross-Border Clinical Trial Partners to Accelerate Approvals\n\n\n12:00 - 13:25\nLuncheon Plenary - Fireside Chat:\nJingsong Wang\, MD\, PhD\, Chief Executive Officer\, Harbour BioMed\n\n\n13:45 -14:40\nGrowing Translational Research Across Asia\n\n\n13:30 - 17:55\nBIO One-on-One Partnering™ Meetings\n\n\n13:45 - 15:30\nCompany Presentations\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPANEL SPEAKERS\n\n \tJoseph Damond\, Senior Vice President\, International Affairs\, Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO)\n \tTim Earle\, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Business Officer\, TauRx Pharmaceuticals Ltd\n \tCarl Firth\, PhD\, Founder and Chief Executive Officer\, Aslan Pharmaceuticals Pte. Ltd.\n \tDavid Flores\, President and Chief Executive Officer\, BioCentury Inc.\n \tKyle Hathaway\, PhD\, Director of Policy and Government Relations\, Asia Pacific\, MSD\n \tKei Katsuno\, MD\, MPH\, Director\, Investment Strategy and Development\, Global Health Innovative Technology (GHIT) Fund\n \tBenjamin Li\, PhD\, Chief Executive Officer\, Lee's Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd.\n \tBo Liu\, PhD\, Principal\, Venture Investments\, Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JJDC\, Inc.\n \tEllen Lubman\, Vice President\, External Science & Innovation\, Allergan PLC\n \tKevin J. Lynch\, PhD\, Vice President\, Search and Evaluation\, AbbVie\n \tChristopher U. Missling\, PhD\, President and Chief Executive Officer\, Anavex Life Sciences Corp.\n \tYoko Nakata\, Public & Industry Policy\, Health Policy\, MSD K.K.\n \tNaomi Sakurai\, President and Representative Director\, Cancer Solutions Co.\, Ltd. (CANSOL)\n \tCharles Stacey\, MD\, Chief Executive Officer\, Accera\n \tYasuhiro Suzuki\, MD\, PhD\, Director General of the Health Insurance Bureau\, Ministry of Health\, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)\, Japan\n \tYoshiaki Tsukamoto\, Executive Director\, Japan Bioindustry Association (JBA)\n \tJohn Winebarger\, President and Chief Executive Officer\, Integrated Development Associates Co.\, Ltd.\n \tTatsumi Yamazaki\, PhD\, Chairman of the Steering Committee\, Japan Bioindustry Association (JBA)\n \tJin-San Yoo\, PhD\, President and Chief Executive Officer\, PharmAbcine Inc.\n \tZhenping Zhu\, MD\, PhD\, President of R&D and Chief Scientific Officer\, 3SBio Inc.\n\n \n\nStatistics from 2017:\n\n \t\nMore than 370 delegates attended from 27 countries\n\n \t\nOver 1\,200 BIO One-on-One Partnering™ meetings\n\n \t\nMore than 230 companies represented\n\n \t\n35 innovative companies from around the world presenting their story\n\n\nWhy You Should Attend\n\n \t\nAccess to senior-level executives from leading international pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies\n\n \t\nExposure to new and exciting companies ready for partnerships and licensing opportunities in the U.S.\, Europe and Asia\n\n \t\nTremendous networking opportunities to meet numerous U.S.\, European\, Japanese and Asian biotech and pharmaceutical companies in one place at one time\n\n \t\nUse of state-of-the-art partnering technology\n\n \t\nTargeted partner selections through proprietary screening process\n\n \t\nPrivate meetings scheduled by BIO\n\n \t\nInformative plenary sessions\n\n\nWho Should Attend\n\n \t\nDrug development and discovery companies\n\n \t\nMedical technology companies\n\n \t\nUniversities and institutes\n\n \t\nIntellectual property and legal organizations\n\n \t\nInvestors and financial services providers\n\n \t\nBio-clusters and incubators\n\n \t\nGovernment and public support agencies\n\n\n\n URL: LOCATION:6-10-3 Roppongi\, Minato-Ku Tokyo\, 日本 ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:螢幕快照-2018-01-31-下午6.03.49.png END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR