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11/28 BE Accelerator Demo Day

Once per year, we are proud to have our 6 graduated startups present to your their leading technology and amazing progress at our 2018 demo day on Nov 28. The startups had raised initial capital 4.2M USD in total. Among the graduates, we have startups from YCombinator, Alchemist and startup that already got technical authorization from Penn Medicine. The startups range from health tech, bio tech to medical tech, including both hardware and software solution.

Besides, this will be a very special demo day that you not only get to hear the startup pitches but also get to experience their solution in an immersive way in the newly opened Center for Education in Medical Simulation.

Don’t miss out this great opportunity to meet and network with them and all the experts from this area!

*This event will be conducted in Chinese. For English pitching event, please refer to https://www.facebook.com/events/287004835253250/

*RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/be-accelerator-demo-day-registration-52077011744

*Due to the limited space, after RSVP on Evenbrite, we will get in touch with you shortly to confirm your registration.

比翼加速器 Batch1 Demo Day 即將在 11/28 下午一點粉墨登場,我們將呈現數位醫療領域頂尖的 6 個團隊,並結合全台首家獲世界傑出中心獎的北醫大醫學模擬教育中心,讓您身歷其境!

作為台灣第一家專注於數位醫療領域的加速器,比翼今年畢業的 6 家新創團隊橫跨數位醫療的各個面向,包括 AI, 遠距醫療, 基因檢測, 再生醫學,所有的團隊都已募得資金,總額已超過 420 萬美金。其中有來自 YCombinator 以及 Alchemist 的團隊,以及拿到 Penn Medicine 賓大醫院技術授權的團隊,為您帶來最精彩的 pitch。




*因空間限制, 在您完成報名之後, 我們會另發通知,通知您是否報名成功,謝謝您的配合。