BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//GeneOnline Conference - ECPv4.4.3//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:GeneOnline Conference X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for GeneOnline Conference BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Taipei:20190726T130000 DTEND;TZID=Asia/Taipei:20190726T173000 DTSTAMP:20240418T203543 CREATED:20190527T075229Z LAST-MODIFIED:20190527T075229Z SUMMARY:國際胜肽與膜活性胜肽研討會 DESCRIPTION:In the past decades\, Taiwan has made significant contributions to the field of biophysics and several of its biotechnology firms have brought drug candidates into the late stages of clinical trials in the U.S. and other countries. Furthermore\, the Taiwan’s government recently increased investments into artificial intelligent\, deep learning\, and computational modeling for biomedical applications. Here\, we invite and gather all the membrane biophysics experts in computational modeling and experiment to Taipei\, Taiwan. We hope this symposium can provide a platform for linking these efforts\, and a future generation of scientist in Taiwan\, with the wider biophysical community in the United States\, the United Kingdom\, China\, and Taiwan.\n\nThis mini-symposium will be financially sponsored by the Department of Chemistry at King’s College London\, Institute of Biomedical Sciences at Academia Sinica\, and Biophysical Society in Taiwan. It is free to everyone but registered only. We will promote King’s College London\, Academia Sinica\, and Biophysical Society in Taiwan during the symposium. It will provide a platform for the talented students in Taiwan who are looking for inspiration and frontier research at leading universities in the United States\, the United Kingdom\, China\, and Taiwan. This mini-symposium will provide presentations from professors allowing the students to inquire and discuss the science. In addition\, it will promote more collaboration and bring more ideas to overcome the current challenges in the field.\n國際胜肽與膜活性胜肽研討會\nMini-Symposium on Polypeptides and Membrane-active Peptides\n主辦單位:中研院生醫所、倫敦國王學院化學所、台灣生物物理學會\n時間:2019/7/26(五) 13:00-17:30\n地點:中央研究院生醫所B1C演講廳\n\n講者:\nDr. Kalina Hristova\, Professor\, Johns Hopkins University\, USA\nDr. Jen-Tse Huang\, Associate Research Fellow\, Academia Sinica\nDr. You-Di Liao\, Research Fellow\, Academia Sinica\nDr. Jung-Hsin Lin\, Research Fellow\, Academia Sinica\nDr. Hsien-Ming Lee\, Associate Research Fellow\, Academia Sinica\nDr. William C. Wimley\, Professor\, Tulane University\, USA\nDr. Martin B. Ulmschneider\, Reader\, King’s College London\, UK\nDr. Jakob P. Ulmschneider\, Professor\, Shanghai Jiao Tong University\, China\n這場「國際胜肽與膜活性肽研討會」將從不同的角度來探討胜肽——由多個氨基酸組成的小蛋白。從它們的生物物理性質、到細胞實驗、以及胜肽在生物醫學上的應用成果。\n活動及報名詳情請參見:\n\n\n URL: ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:螢幕快照-2019-05-27-下午3.48.55.png END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR